The Fine Art of Interior Decorating at Marshall Field's
The advertisement pictured here is from 1929 and hails the excellent work of Marshall Field's Decorating Staff. The text of the ad is as follows:
TOP: One of the Whitehall rooms, set up and furnished by Marshall Field & Company in the office of Arthur Reynolds, Chairman, Board of Directors, Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company.
MAIN BODY: Early in Queen Elizabeth’s reign Great House, Whitehall, was built in Shrewsbury town by one Master Frynce. “Four years in buyldings to hys great chardge, with fame to him and hys posterite for ever,” it was a splendid mansion, but never so splendid as the paneled walls of oak, added later. What tales those magnificent walls could tell!...and their story has not ended. One that looked on Charles the First three centuries ago watches the head of a Chicago bank today. Others that knew Cromwell and James the Second are meeting new friends in modern manor houses….Considered by some authorities the most nearly perfect paneling in the world, Marshall Field and Company sponsored the importation of the Whitehall rooms, entire, as they [unreadable] sponsor the fine in furniture and decoration. You are invited to view the remarkable taste and versatility of Field’s decorating staff displayed in the period rooms on the ninth floor and the moderately priced budget house on the eighth.