Edison Lamp Works of General Electric Company posted the pictured ad in the October 14, 1922 issue of The Saturday Evening Post.
The Edison Mazda Lamp ad featured Marshall Field & Company of Chicago, hailing it the "cathedral of all the stores."
Because this ad was not custom scanned for this blog, the text is quite difficult to read. HERE IS THE TEXT OF THE AD:
Upper Left Caption:
THE LIGHTING SYSTEM of the Marshall Field Store is equal to that of the city of Des Moines, Io.
An example of good light
Main Body: “TO BE AN EXAMPLE,” reads the statement of principles of Marshall Field & Company of Chicago. And for half a century its merchandising methods and service ideals have been accepted as standard by thousands of smaller merchants throughout the country.
The lighting of the Marshall Field Store exemplifies the proper use of Light in retail selling and service.
“Our records show that the proper lighting system for a department increases the sales of it goods.” says Frederick J. Pearson, electrical engineer of Marshall Field & Company. “Good Light reacts on customers and sales people alike. It intensifies the customer’s desire to buy and increases the enthusiasm of the sales person.
“We use Light to enable the customers to make satisfactory purchases under satisfactory conditions. That moves merchandise more rapidly and creates good will.”
[Additional text is not completely decipherable.]
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